It’s time to Halt Further Temperature rises 等

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  It’s time to Halt Further Temperature rises
  The Maldivian president and ministers held the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting on October 17, 2009, in a symbolic cry for help over rising sea levels that threaten the tropical archipelago’s existence.
  Clad in black diving suits and masks, President Mohamed Nasheed, 11 ministers, the vice president and cabinet secretary dove 3.8 meters to gather at tables under the crystalline waters. They signed an “SOS” message from the Maldives during the 30-minute meeting.
  In 2007, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that there would be an increase in sea levels of 18 to 59 centimetres because of global warming. Maldives, made up of 1,192 coral islands, averages just 2.13 metres above sea level, is among the most threatened by rising seas. If the UN predictions are correct, most of the low-lying Maldives will be submerged by 2100 and many homes will be lost.
  “Climate change is happening and it threatens the rights and security of everyone on Earth.” President Nasheed said, “We must unite in a global effort to halt further temperature rises.” And in this way, he pushed the need for action.
  The Reuters:
  Chinese scientist Qian Xuesen, widely considered the father of the country’s nuclear missile and space program, has died at the age of 98.
  In 1955, Qian’s return brought China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles. He was put in charge of developing the country’s first missiles, and also oversaw the development of China’s first atom bomb, exploded in 1964.
  Australian Girl Sails Solo Around the World
  A 16-year-old Australian steered her bright pink, 34-foot yacht out of Sydney Harbor on October 18, 2009 to start her bid to become the youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world.
  Jessica Watson’s plan to make a 23,600-mile journey through some of the world’s most treacherous waters sparked a debate in Australia about whether someone so young should be allowed to try such a potentially dangerous feat.
  Watson and her family insist she is an experienced and capable sailor who has studied navigation, electronics and maritime safety procedures. Although she will sail solo and unassisted, she will be in constant contact with her support team via radio, e-mail and a blog.
  The first leg of Watson’s journey will take her past northern New Zealand, then Fiji and Samoa. In a trip expected to last about eight months, she plans to pass around the southern tips of Africa and South America.
  Briton Mike Perham, 17, in August laid claim to being the youngest solo round-the-world sailor after completing a 28,000-mile trip in nine months, though he stopped for repairs, which counts as an “assisted” trip.
  Question: How much shorter is Jessica’s journey expected to be than Mike’s?
  Dead Poets Society is a 1989 film and it is a story of students at the respected “Welton Academy”, a preparatory school. Such schools were(and often still are) very conservative institutions that serve as high schools for parents who insist on sending their children to the best universities.
  The plot centers on the influence of Mr Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher, who is determined to teach his students to live a life with absolute passion. Mr Keating, using poetry as his vehicle, teaches his students to challenge the institutions around them. Inspired by Mr Keating’s philosophy of life, many of his students recreate the Dead Poets Society, a secret club that discuss poetry, philosophy and other topics.
  The movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires, and to live a life with passion. Ultimately, it is about what happens when a few idealistic students find themselves confronted with conservative forces that resist all change, including the drive for personal self-determination.
  【 Classic Lines 】
  You don’t have to perform. Just make it for yourself.
  Learn to think for yourselves again. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
  You must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.
  This turning device will show you that your eyes can keep a picture of a thing for half a second after you have put that thing away. You can make a turning device in the following way.
  Cut out a square piece of cardboard 4 by 4 centimeters. Make two holes and tie short pieces of string, as shown in Picture 1.
  Draw a large fishbowl on one side of the square and a small fish on the other side. Hold the pieces of string between your fingers. Now you can turn the square very quickly with your fingers. When it is turning, you will see only one picture of the fish inside the bowl like Picture 2.
  halt 停止 Maldivian 马尔代夫的 cabinet 内阁
  Maldives 马尔代夫 tropical 热带的 archipelago 群岛
  clad 穿着 crystalline 清澈的
  UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 联合国政府间气候变化小组
  submerge 淹没 nuclear missile 核导弹 atom bomb 原子弹
  solo 单独的 steer掌舵,驾驶 treacherous 变化莫测的
  feat 壮举 navigation 航海 maritime 海上的
  via 通过,凭借 leg 旅程的一段 New Zealand 新西兰
  Fiji 斐济 Samoa 萨摩亚群岛 preparatory 预备的
  conservative 保守的 plot 情节 vehicle 媒介
  pursue 追求 confront 对抗 drive 强烈欲望
  Australian Girl Sails Solo Around the World: About one month shorter in time and 4400 miles shorter in distance.
山海棠生在偏僻处无人观赏,平常人看来,它应该养养精神,偷偷懒,听凭命运安排,能生则生,要么就默默地死去腐烂,可它却要活出自己生命的精彩,即使生存环境多么不好,无人认识,它仍不苟地向上挺拔枝叶,开出美艳花朵。一旦人们看到它,便会为它的俊相所倾倒。  开头简述题目材料,“可它却要活出自己生命的精彩”一句,点明材料主旨,同时确立全文中心。  在刘备三顾茅庐请诸葛亮出山之前,他不就像那株山海棠,在那无人认
【下面的病句来自同学的习作,你能找出其中的错误吗?】  ● I will recommend two kinds of books to you. The popular science books and literary books.  句意为“我将向你们推荐两种书:科普书和文学书”。但是,第二个句子是一个名词组成的短语。一般情况下,短语不能当句子。  一个完整的句子至少要有主语和谓语,有时候
揭秘人:徐桦君老师  (浙江省特级教师、功勋教师,长期担任浙江省高考作文阅卷小组组长)    作文题  人生如歌,每一首歌讲述的是不一样的故事,也有着不同的曲调跟韵味。这些歌儿听来也许是欣慰的,也许是遗憾的,也许是幸福的,也许是悲伤的。人生如歌,不同的人谱写不一样的歌,不同的歌唱出不一样的人生。  请以“人生如歌”为话题,写一篇800字左右的文章,立意自定,题目自拟,文体不限(除诗歌外)。    
大家都知道,when,while同为连词,都有“当……时候”的意思,但很多同学都搞不清楚它们在用法上的不同。笔者精心总结了它们的区别,希望能对同学们有所帮助。  1. 引导时间状语从句时,when既可表时间点,也可表时间段;从句的谓语既可以是短暂性动词,也可以是持续性动词。而while只表示时间段,故从句谓语只能是持续性动词,不能用短暂性动词。  例1The teacher came in whi
瞬移:理想很丰满,现实很骨感    你看过《心灵传输者》这部电影吗?片中的主角戴维突然发现自己拥有一种超能力,可以在瞬间将自己转移到世界上任何一个角落,他因此遭到一个神秘组织的追杀。当然影片的结局还是美好的,戴维找到了多年未见的母亲,然后带着自己的女友潇洒地离开了。  在现实中,人体的瞬间转移在理论上似乎是可行的。  1997年,奥地利因斯布鲁克大学的科学家们在室内首次完成了光子的瞬间移动实验,这
写好图画作文关键在读图,要求同学们细心观察,充分发挥自己的理解力和想象力,正确理解图画内容。在此基础上,有条理、有重点、准确生动地把图画内容转换成书面语言即可。  按写作的侧重点,可以把图画作文分为议论型和描写型两类。  议论型图画作文  议论型图画作文,图画常常含有深刻的寓意,或说明一个道理,或讽刺一种现象。题目往往要求在描写图画内容的基础上说明图画寓意,分析其原因、后果或影响,并发表自己的见解
放到阅卷现场,你的作文能得几分?  是什么阻碍了你的作文得高分?  高考资深阅卷老师一一解答!  先表明观点,再举例论证,这是同学们都很熟悉的写作模式。但是,熟悉不代表做得好。不少同学不懂如何论证,不是举例不恰当,就是分析不到位,影响了文章得分。  【作文题】  尼采曾说,处世之道应该是:不要爬上山顶去,也不要站在山脚,从半高处去看,这个世界真美好。这是他的人生观和价值观。  其实,站在哪里看世界
提起吉米·卡特,人们很自然地想起他是美国前总统和2002年诺贝尔和平奖的获得者。其实,卡特不仅是一位政治家、社会活动家,而且是一位作家,迄今已出版近20部书,其中有获得普利策文学奖的回忆录《黎明前一小时:一个农村少年的回忆》(2001)、以南北战争为背景的小说《马蜂窝》(2003)和诗集《总是估算及其它诗篇》(1995)。卡特是继约翰·昆西·亚当斯和亚布拉罕·林肯之后又一位总统诗人。  卡特写诗并
有一块石头寂寞地在深山里躺着,梦想自己能像鸟儿一样飞上天空。  有一天庄子路过,对石头说:“我可以帮你实现理想,但你必须先长成一座大山。”  于是,石头拼命地吸收自然精华,拼命生长。经过多年风雨的洗礼,它终于长成了一座大山。  庄子招来大鹏以翅击山。惊天动地的巨响过后,山被击碎了,无数石块飞向天空。刹那间,石头会心地笑了,它终于体会到了飞翔的快乐。  但很快地,它就从空中摔了下来,落在原来的地方,
(徐桦君老师享受国务院特殊津贴,是全国模范教师、浙江省功勋教师、浙江省特级教师,长期担任浙江省高考作文阅卷小组组长,并致力于作文教学的研究。)    近年来,“文化散文”在高考作文中十分流行。此类文章构思简单,语言上比较容易出彩,于是很多同学纷纷仿效。其实,高考作文的评价标准是不拘一格的。根据笔者的阅卷经验,一篇构思精巧、细节感人的记叙文,就很容易在一大堆“文化散文”中脱颖而出,博得阅卷老师的“欢