创建于1844年的仁济医院耻海市最早的一所西医院。她历尽沧桑,即将步入她诞生后的第三个世纪。155年来,仁济医院从一所小小的诊所,逐步发展为现今这所集医、教、研于一体的综合医院,她走过了艰辛的里程,谱写了辉煌的篇章。 百年老院 业绩辉煌 新中国的成立,使这所百年老院焕发出新的活力,1952年,医院成为上海第二医学院的教学医院后,使这所解放前夕仅200张病床,500名职工,医疗设施极为简陋的医院,开始建设成医疗、教学、科研全面发展的新型医院,为我国的医学事业作出了应有的贡献,创造了辉煌的业绩。 解放初期,在设备条件十分简陋的情况下,成功地施行了国内第一例二尖瓣狭窄扩张分离术,第一例低温麻醉心内直视肺动脉瓣切开术,首创耻骨后前列腺摘除术。“上海Ⅱ型人工心肺机”、“胎头负压吸引器”等的首创,为新中国医学事业的发展作出了贡献。
Founded in 1844, the Yanji Hospital was the earliest Western hospital in Shamei. She has gone through all the vicissitudes of life and is about to enter the third century after her birth. For more than 155 years, Renji Hospital has gradually evolved from a small clinic to a comprehensive hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching and research. She has gone through hardships and has written a brilliant chapter. The establishment of a splendid new century in China has made this century-old home a new vitality. In 1952, after the hospital became the teaching hospital of Shanghai’s Second Medical College, it was only 200 beds and 500 employees on the liberation eve. The hospitals with extremely poor medical facilities have begun to build new hospitals for medical, teaching, and scientific research. They have made due contributions to the medical cause in China and created brilliant results. In the early period of liberation, under the condition of very simple equipment, the first domestic mitral valve stenosis dilation and separation was successfully performed. The first case of hypothermic anesthesia open heart pulmonary valve incision and the first retropubic prostatectomy. The creation of Shanghai Type II Artificial Heart-Lung Machine and Fetal Head Vacuum Suction Apparatus contributed to the development of the medical cause in New China.