一、热处理设备的温度精度指标 热处理工件的真实温度离开工艺要求温度的程度,称为热处理温度精度。不考虑人为误差时,指示温度离开工件真实温度的程度,即为热处理设备的温度精度,通常以误差限(也称极限误差或简称误差)u表示。热处理设备的温度精度指标,就是规定的允许误差限u,应能满足加工对象的工艺要求,有足够的加工能力和合理的设备投资。
First, the heat treatment equipment, temperature accuracy index The true temperature of the workpiece heat treatment to leave the extent of temperature requirements, known as the heat treatment temperature accuracy. Regardless of human error, indicating the temperature leaving the true temperature of the workpiece, that is, the temperature accuracy of heat treatment equipment, usually the error limit (also known as the limit error or referred to as error) u said. Heat treatment equipment, temperature accuracy index is the allowable error limit u, should be able to meet the processing requirements of the object, have sufficient processing capacity and reasonable investment in equipment.