A method for the determination of ≧ 0.5 μg / g drill, nickel and lead and ≧ 3 μg / g bismuth and indium in ores, soils and related materials is described. After the sample is decomposed and the salt is dissolved in the dilute-salt-tartaric acid solution, iron (III) is reduced with ascorbyl ether and the resulting iron (II) is complexed with ammonium fluoride. The xanthate complex is extracted with three times the amount of chloroform at pH 2.00 ± 0.05 to continuously separate cobalt, nickel, lead, bismuth and indium from iron, aluminum, zinc and other matrix elements. After the chloroform was removed by evaporation and the xanthate was destroyed with nitric acid and high-chlor-ether, the solution was evaporated to give the final determination of each element in acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry in a 20% V / V hydrochloric acid medium containing 100 μg / ml of potassium. Arsenic and antimony are co-extracted by bromide evaporation during the decomposition step. A small amount of co-extracted phase, iron and copper will not interfere.