推荐理由 德育生活化已成为当代德育创新的重要课题。本文作者以道德教学活动的本质是交往为前提展开论述,全面阐述了道德交往中的主体观、民主观和环境观,构建了一个较完整的以生活化为导向的道德交往的观念体系。文章视角新颖,结构谨严,论证透辟,胜义缤纷,值得推荐。
Recommended reasons Moral life has become an important issue of contemporary moral education innovation. The author of this article, based on the premise of communication, discusses the essence of moral teaching activities, expounds the concept of subject, democracy and environment in a comprehensive way and constructs a more complete system of concept of life-oriented moral association. The article is novel in perspective, cautious in structure, versatile in argument, colorful and worthy of recommendation.