“三分文章七分读。”“书读百遍,其义自见。”古往今来,无论在文学艺术领域,还是在语文教学中,朗读都占有极其重要的地位。在语文教学中,好的朗读能让人有身临其境的感觉,给人美的享受、艺术的熏陶,从而激发学生的兴趣,唤起他们的求知欲,进而提高语文教学的质量。多媒体以其文、图、声并茂的特点,给“读”注入活力。一、激趣导读 “兴趣是最好的老师。”多媒体以其多彩的画面、美妙的声音,使学生进入情境中,激发学生“读”的兴趣,产生读的欲望。如上《大自然的语言》一文,上课伊始,我播放轻松活泼的乐曲,同时,展
“” “Read a hundred times, its meaning from the see. ” Throughout the ages, both in the field of literature and art, or in Chinese teaching, reading plays an extremely important role. In Chinese teaching, good reading can make people feel immersed, enjoy the beauty and art, so as to stimulate students’ interest, arouse their curiosity and improve the quality of Chinese teaching. Multimedia with its text, picture, sound and Mao characteristics, to “read ” to inject vitality. First, the excitement guide “Interest is the best teacher. ” Multimedia with its colorful picture, wonderful voice, so that students into the situation, to stimulate students “reading ” interest, resulting in the desire to read. As above, “the language of nature,” a text, the beginning of class, I play lively music, at the same time, the exhibition