北京消息,[2007年2月5日]一以专注打印跻身美国《财富》500强的著名打印解决方案供应商利盟国际有限公司(纽约证券交易所NYSE:LXK)今天宣布2006年第四季度财务结果。第四季度收入13.69亿美元,与去年的13.65亿美元收入大致持平。本季度每股收益为0.91美元,同时包括根据公司采用SFAS 123R会计准则所产生的每股0.06美元基于股份的补偿费用。第四季度的税率为15.9%,基本反映了美国研究及实验减税优惠政策对公司的回溯性延长的影响。每股收益将达到1.05美元,不包括与2006年1月宣布的重组行为相关的每股0.14美元的费用。2005年第四季度的每股收益为0.71美元。
Beijing, Feb. 5, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) - Lexmark International Limited (NYSE: LXK), a leading provider of printing solutions to the Fortune 500, today announced the fourth quarter of 2006 Financial result. Fourth quarter revenue of 1.369 billion US dollars, and 1.365 billion US dollars last year’s revenue roughly. Earnings per share for the quarter was US $ 0.91, including share-based compensation expense of US $ 0.06 per share based on the company adopting SFAS 123R accounting standards. The tax rate for the fourth quarter was 15.9%, basically reflecting the effect of preferential tax breaks on research and experimentation in the United States on the company’s retroactive extension. Earnings per share will reach $ 1.05, excluding the $ 0.14 per share associated with the restructuring announced in January 2006. Earnings per share for the fourth quarter of 2005 were $ 0.71.