胆囊腺瘤为极少见的胆囊良性上皮性肿瘤,文献报道较少。我院从1982年5月~1997年10月共收治胆囊腺瘤12例,均经病理检查证实,占同期切除胆囊标本总数的0.74%,报道如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 12例中男5例、女7例。年龄26~74岁,平均45岁。病程1个月~3年,平均11个月。临床表现:除1例体检偶然发现外,其余11例均有上腹部阵发性疼痛或绞痛。9例做了B超检查,其中3例诊为胆囊息肉,3例诊为胆囊肿物,3例诊为胆囊结石。随访9例,1~12年均健在。 1.2 病理检查 (1)大体:本组12例胆囊肿物位于胆囊颈部4例,体部3例,底部3例,体部与底部同时发生者2例。
Gallbladder adenoma is a rare gallbladder benign epithelial tumor, reported in the literature less. Our hospital from May 1982 to October 1997 were treated in 12 cases of gallbladder adenoma were confirmed by pathological examination, accounting for the same period the total number of resected gallbladder 0.74%, are reported below. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 12 cases of 5 males and 7 females. Age 26 ~ 74 years old, average 45 years old. Duration of 1 month to 3 years, an average of 11 months. Clinical manifestations: In addition to a case of medical accidental discovery, the remaining 11 cases of paroxysmal abdominal pain or cramps. Nine patients underwent B-ultrasound, of which 3 were diagnosed as gallbladder polyps, 3 as gallbladder masses and 3 as gallstones. Follow-up in 9 cases, 1 to 12 years are alive. 1.2 Pathological examination (1) General: The group of 12 cases of gallbladder mass in the gallbladder neck in 4 cases, 3 cases of body, bottom 3 cases, the body and the bottom occurred in 2 cases.