许多朋友抱怨找不到创业项目,其实生活中处处充满了商机,只是需要有心人去捕捉和发现,并制定出适合于自己并切实可行的操作方案。在这里介绍一个投资少、见效快、技术要求不高的项目——电脑清洁。这个项目不需要太多的电脑知识,初懂电脑操作即可,所以非常适合于毕业生,因为他们几乎都懂电脑操作。 我们知道,电脑使用一年半载后,就会积聚污垢灰尘,不仅影响美观,而且容易出现性能不稳定、操作反应迟钝等现象,由于电路板上灰尘堆积而造成短路烧毁元件的事情也时有发生。因此定期对电脑进行清洁是非常必要的。就现状来看,电脑用户主要是单位、网吧和家庭。各个单位虽然设有专门的电脑维护人员,但他们并不注重电脑的清洁工作,许多人认为这不是技术活儿,不属于自己的职责范围。公众网吧一般请人来维护,但维护人员也不会额外地为雇主清洁电脑。家庭电脑的使用者通常只会操作,而自己敢于、勤于开机清扫灰尘的人毕竟不多。所以除军队、银行外,其余电脑用户都是电脑清洁服务潜在的服务对象。我们成立专业的电脑清洁服务部,就是要以系统化管理来高效率、高质量地为这些电脑用户提供服务。我国电脑数量非常庞大,这也预示着我们的服务将获得丰厚的回报。
Many of my friends complain that I can not find a start-up project. In fact, my life is full of business opportunities. I only need to be conscientious to capture and find out and work out suitable and feasible operational plans. Here to introduce a less investment, quick, low technical requirements of the project - computer cleaning. This project does not require too much computer knowledge, first understand the computer operation can be, so very suitable for graduates, because they almost know computer operations. We know that after a year and a half, the computer will accumulate dirt and dust, not only affect the appearance, but also prone to unstable performance, unresponsive operation, etc., due to the accumulation of dust on the circuit board burned components caused short circuit also sometimes occur. Therefore, regular cleaning of the computer is necessary. The status quo, computer users are mainly units, Internet cafes and families. Although each unit has specialized computer maintenance staff, they do not pay attention to the cleaning of computers. Many people think this is not a technical job and do not belong to their own responsibility. Public Internet cafes generally invite people to maintain, but the maintenance staff will not additionally clean the computer for employers. Users of home computers usually only operate, and few of them are daring and diligent in starting to clean the dust. Therefore, with the exception of the army and banks, all other computer users are potential clients of computer cleaning services. We set up a professional computer cleaning services, is to systematically manage the high efficiency and high quality for these computer users. The huge number of computers in our country also indicates that our service will be rewarded with huge profits.