比喻说理源远流长。在我国,先秦时代的《墨子·小取》便给它下了定义:“辟也者,举他物而以明之也。”“辟”通、“譬”,即“比喻”。运用比喻说理能使抽象的事理显得具体形象,易收深入浅出之效。在中学议论文教学与写作中经常要接触到比喻说理的问题。比喻说理,按不同的标准划分有不同的类型。从喻体性质分,有正喻型、反喻型;从喻体数量分,有单一型、复杂型;从喻体内部关系分,有单纯型、复合型。一、正喻型 1、肯定式通过比喻,认定比喻事物间的理由与推新
The metaphor says that the theory goes back to ancient times. In our country, the Mozi Xiaotiao in the pre-Qin era defined it: “If you are a cultivator, you give him something and you use it to make it clear.” Metaphorical use of metaphor means that reason can make abstract affairs more concrete and easy to use. In the teaching and writing of the dissertation in high school, it is often necessary to touch on the issue of metaphorical reasoning. Metaphorically speaking, there are different types according to different standards. From the nature of the metaphorical body, there are metaphorical and metaphorical types; from the number of metaphorical bodies, there is a single type and complex type; from the internal relations of metaphorical bodies, there are simple types and complex types. One, positive metaphor 1, affirmative through metaphors, identify the reasons for metaphorical things and push new