1997年以来我国塑料门窗发展迅猛,但在大好形势中也存在忧患,产品趋向雷同,缺乏新颖性,照搬欧式、美式窗,没有发展适合中国各地区气候特点的多种窗型.对欧美窗型的特色、优缺点进行了分析,提出应取欧美之长,避欧美之短,根据中国国情设计窗型和型腔,形成中国体系.“,”The plashes door and window have fast developed since 1997. But there is worriment under an excellent situation. The pnxlucts trent toward identical, with lack of novelty, duplicating Europeanism and American windows, without developing multitudinous window types which are suitable for weather conditions all over the countly .This paper analizes the charteristics, advantages and disadvantages of European and American windows, and puts forward that the window type and profile cavity should be designed in accordance with Chinese conditions to form Chinese system by means of making hest use of the advantages of Eumpan and American windows and bypassing the disadvantages of their windows.