《变色龙》(Le Lezard)选自《柏树下的茶会》。小说运用细节描写,把主人公——一个资产者卑污的灵魂和嫉妒多变的性格刻画得淋漓尽致,宛如一个个剪辑而成的特写镜头。场景的鲜明描画同细腻的心理剖析紧密结合,夹叙夹议地展开情节,议论和内心独白是场景过渡的环节,情节的表面静止却由于心理刻画的层层深入而产生强烈的运动效果。最主要的艺术手法则是对话,写来生动逼真,人物的音容笑貌跃然而现。作品堪称法国六十年代一部优秀的中篇小说。
Le Lezard is from the tea party under cypress trees. The novel uses the details of the description, the hero - a bourgeois soul and jealous characteristically vividly portrayed, like a close-up of a cut. The vivid description of the scene is closely combined with the exquisite psychoanalysis. The narrative and inner monologue are the transitional stages of the scene. The stillness of the plot has a strong effect of exercise due to the layers of psychological depiction. The main method of art is dialogue, vivid and vivid description of the characters’ voices appear vividly. Works of French sixties an excellent novella.