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自20世纪70年代末、80年代初开始,中国共产党逐渐调整了对台方针政策,大力倡导加强两岸人民往来,通过政治谈判实现国家统一,在台湾岛内和海外产生了空前热烈的反响,对国民党僵化的大陆政策形成强大冲击。寥廓海天不归何待1982年7月,蒋经国在悼念他父亲蒋介石的文章中,写到“切望父灵能回到家园与先人同在”,还表示自己“要把孝顺的心,扩大为民族感情,去敬爱民族,奉献于国家”。很快,中共方面就作出了反应。1982年7月24日,廖承志给台湾的蒋经国发出公开信——《廖承志致蒋经国先生信》。信是用电报发往台北的,并刊发在7月25日的《人民日报》上,出乎台湾当局的意料,引起海内外的瞩目,信中这样写道—— Since the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Chinese Communist Party has gradually adjusted its principles and policies toward Taiwan, vigorously advocated strengthening cross-Strait people’s exchanges and achieving national reunification through political negotiations, and has had an unprecedented and enthusiastic response both inside and outside Taiwan. The rigid Kuomintang mainland policy formed a powerful blow. In July 1982, when Chiang Ching-kuo paid tribute to his father, Chiang Kai-shek, he wrote: “Looking forward, the father and spirit can return home with their ancestors.” He also said that he “wants to expand the heart of filial piety to National feelings, to love the nation, dedicated to the country. ” Soon, the CCP side responded. On July 24, 1982, Liao Chengzhi sent an open letter to Chiang Ching-kuo, Taiwan - “Letter from Liao Chengzhi to Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo.” The letter was sent to Taipei by telegram and was published in the People’s Daily on July 25, out of the expectation of the Taiwan authorities and aroused great attention both at home and abroad. The letter said:
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