5月4日青年节过后,我听到钟质夫老师入院的消息。刚过了几天时间,又突然传来了老师逝世的噩耗,这消息使我十分震惊、更深深的为之哀痛。 近年来,钟质夫老师由于年近耄耋,记忆力有些衰退。但是精神与体力一直还是很好的。去年已是年近八十岁的高龄,还远渡重洋,东翔日本探亲。令年春节先生还坐在画桌前与往来拜望的朋友、学生们交谈。万万没有想到今天竟突然永远的离开了我们。 钟质夫老师是一位艺术成就卓著、品格高洁、德高望重的艺术家和美术教育家。他几十年来以自己辛勤的劳动为我
After the Youth Day on May 4, I heard about the admission of Dr. ZHONG Weifu. Just a few days later, suddenly came the bad news of the teacher’s death, which made me very shocked and deeply saddened. In recent years, due to the recent imprisonment of teacher Zhong Zhifu, memory has declined somewhat. But the spirit and physical strength has always been very good. Last year was nearly eighty years of age, but also far across the oceans, Dongxiang Japan to visit relatives. So that the Spring Festival President sat in front of the desk and friends, students talk. Never imagined that today suddenly suddenly left us. Mr. ZHONG Zhifu is an artist and art educator with outstanding artistic achievement, noble character and high moral integrity. He has been working for his own hard work for decades