Development of Continuous Casting Technology of Electrical Steel and New Products

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyfdc
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The development of continuous casting technology of electrical steel was analyzed. The technologies and products characteristics of conventional continuous casting, thin slab continuous casting and rolling, middle thin slab continuous casting and rolling and twin-roll thin strip were compared. Conventional continuous casting technology was widely adopted in producing electrical steel; thin slab continuous casting and rolling and middle thin slab continuous casting and rolling technology industrialized electrical steel; and study of twin-roll thin strip casting technology was focused on fundamental experiments. The development of continuous casting technology of electrical steel was analyzed. The technologies and products characteristics of conventional continuous casting, thin slab continuous casting and rolling, middle thin slab continuous casting and rolling and twin-roll thin strip were compared. Conventional continuous casting technology was widely adopted in producing electrical steel; thin slab continuous casting and rolling and middle thin slab continuous casting and rolling technology industrialized electrical steel; and study of twin-roll thin strip casting technology was focused on fundamental experiments.
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