从教10年了,汇报课、检查课、观摩课、示范课,我上过不止百次,这些课,或平淡,或浓重,或生硬,或娴熟,随着时间的延伸,多数都没能给我以太深的印象。唯独8年前的那次公开课,却令我至今难以忘怀。这倒不是自己故弄玄虚,实实在在的,那节公开课给我留下的回味大足了,太浓了。 那是8年前的秋天。 清晨,第一节课的预备铃声响了,我拿起了教本照例去给我任教的班级学生上课,快到教室门口的时候,
After 10 years of teaching, reporting classes, inspection classes, observation classes, and demonstration classes, I have taken more than a hundred lessons. These classes are either dull, heavy, or blunt or skilled. Over time, most of them have failed to give I am too impressed. The open class only 8 years ago has made me unforgettable. This is not a mystery, it is real, and that section of the open class left me with a long aftertaste, too strong. It was autumn eight years ago. In the early morning, the preparation bell of the first class rang, and I took up the textbook as usual to teach classes to my classmates. When I arrived at the entrance to the classroom,