近来。在北京红十字朝阳医院看病的人发现了一件新鲜事,不少病人是通过电话预约、定时来院就诊的,这种打破常规看病的方法,是该院为解决门诊病人霍病难、挂专家号更难而采取的措施。 以往,到医院看门诊的病人,一大早来挂号,等候时间长,看病时间短,取药、交费排大队。尤其是在上午8点~9点和下午1点~2点钟,人员集中,令病人、家属头痛。鉴于此种情况,该院将所有门诊分类为专家门诊、专业门诊及专病门诊,病人可根据情况到专业窗
recently. People who visited the Chaoyang Red Cross Chaoyang Hospital found a new thing. Many patients made appointments by telephone and regularly came to the hospital. This method of breaking the routine medical care is to solve the problem of outpatients and to hang experts. No. It is more difficult to take measures. In the past, patients who came to the hospital to see out-patient services registered early in the morning, waited long hours, had short medical visits, and took medicines and paid bills. Especially at 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., the concentration of personnel caused headaches to patients and their families. In view of this situation, the hospital classifies all outpatient clinics as expert clinics, specialty outpatient clinics, and specialist outpatient clinics.