在篮球场上,没人希罕最佳第六人的称号,也没人能抵御得了先发主力的诱惑。新赛季伊始,每支球队都在尝试他们的全新组合,试图在变化中寻找些新的惊奇。 机会就像街上的美女,你需要勇敢地走上去,她才归你的可能。小牛队的奈什、太阳队的马里奥恩以及国王队的斯托贾科维奇等一批极有潜质的年轻人勇敢地走了出来,抓住了机会。他们终于摆脱了替补席,在主力位置上站稳了脚跟,成为球队战绩扶摇直上奇迹的另一源动力。下面不妨让我们来审视一下创造惊奇的始作俑者。
No one on the basketball court is the best sixth man in the world, and no one can resist the temptation to take the lead. At the beginning of the new season, each team is experimenting with their new portfolio in an attempt to find new surprises in change. Opportunity is like the beauty of the street, you need to go bravely, she was your possible. Nebraska Mavericks, the Suns’ Marion, and King Stojakovic, a group of very promising young people came out bravely and seized the opportunity. They finally get rid of the bench, a firm position in the main position of hegemony, a team miracle has become the source of another source of power. Let us look at the following to create a surprise initiator.