
来源 :福建法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:canyang419
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二十年前的这个时候,党领导人民粉碎“四人帮”之后,进一步开展了批判和肃清“四人帮”的流毒,总结“文化大革命”的经验教训。但却遇到“两个凡是”思潮,即维护文化大革命的“左”的错误路线的思潮的阻扰,难以深入进行。思想理论界一部份坚持马克思主义思想的学者,提出并开展了“实践是检验真理唯一标准”的讨论。这场具有深远历史意义的讨论,一开始就受到坚持“两个凡是” At this time twenty years ago, after the party leadership people crushed the “gang of four,” they further carried out the criticism and the liquidation of the “gang of four” and summed up the experiences and lessons of the “Cultural Revolution.” However, it has been difficult to carry out in-depth discussions of the trend of thought that “the two of us are”, that is, the thought line of safeguarding the “leftist” line of the Cultural Revolution. Some scholars in the ideological and theoretical circles who uphold Marxist thought proposed and carried out a discussion that “practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.” This far-reaching historical discussion, from the very beginning, was insisted “two commonplace”
数学思想方法是从数学内容中提炼出来的数学学科的精髓。它隐含于数学知识的发生、发展和应用的过程中,不仅是对数学事实与概念、定理、公式、法则等一些理论的本质认识,而且是形成学生良好的认知结构的纽带。正确地运用数学思想方法能很好地培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,有利于学生形成良好的数学素养。  数学思想方法是以具体数学内容为载体,又高于具体数学内容的一种指导思想和普遍适用的方法。它能使人领悟到数学的真