我国 亚科有 3个属 2 0种 ,作者确认苏州及邻近地区有 亚科 14种 ,占 70 % ,占该地区鱼类总数的 11 0 2 %。本文首次报道了苏州及邻近地区 亚科鱼类的重新定名和种名的重新整理。 亚科鱼类是以亚洲为中心而扩散的 ,亦即 亚科是以亚洲为发生中心的 ,因而是亚洲的固有种。针对该地区 亚科鱼类种群数量减小和鱼体小型化趋向 ,作者认为应对其资源采取繁殖保护、经济种类增殖和种群调控措施
There are 3 genera and 20 species in our subfamily. The authors confirm that there are 14 subfamilies in Suzhou and its adjacent areas, accounting for 70%, accounting for 120% of the total number of fish species in the area. This paper reports for the first time the renaming and species reorganization of subfamilies in Suzhou and its adjacent areas. Subfamilies are spread around Asia. That is to say, subfamilies are the center of Asia and are therefore endemic to Asia. In view of the reduction of the subfamily fish population and the tendency of the fish to be miniaturized in the area, the author believes that its resources should be protected by multiplication, proliferation of economic species and measures of population control