ENICAR瑞士英纳格表起源于1854年一家古老的瑞士钟表手工制造坊,创办家族RACINE在当时以制造尊贵时计而尊名。ENICAR的名字,便是由RACINE家族,将其名字倒转来写而得名,借以代表其家族代代相传精湛工艺的优良传统,并开始了ENICAR傲视群雄百多年的灿烂历程。今年,ENICAR更将大胆、革新的技术引入专业之中,推出高研的天文台表,其中包括Versailles(凡尔赛)、Golconda(高康达)及Sherpa Sports(雷巴运动)三大系列。
ENICAR Switzerland Ingnage Table originated in 1854, an ancient Swiss watch handmade workshop, founded the family RACINE at that time to create distinguished watches and names. ENICAR’s name is named after the RACINE family, whose name was reversed to write, to represent its family’s fine tradition of legendary craftsmanship, and to embark on the brilliant journey of over 100 years of mastery of ENICAR. This year, ENICAR introduced the bold and innovative technology into the profession. It introduced the highly researched Chronometer, which includes Versailles, Golconda and Sherpa Sports.