试验方法 1974年2月,取薮北种一年生扦插苗,用330I容积的大型育成水培装置,进行匀齐培养,到8月下旬吸收根基本停止更新时,选取生长良好,地上部和地下部匀齐的茶苗,移植到201容积的水培试验装置中,每缸移植4株,开始试验。试验处理为改变钾的施用水平,培养液中钾的浓度以25ppm为单位浓度,在0到6倍(0 K~6 K)的范围内分作7个水平(如表1)。每两周更换一次培养液,采用自来水。自来水中钾的浓度为1.5~2.1ppm,每
Test method In February 1974, take the North seedlings of annual cuttings, with 330I volume of the large hydroponic cultivation device, uniform culture, to absorb the roots in late August basically stopped updating, select well-grown, aboveground and belowground Even tea plantlets, transplanted to 201 volumes of hydroponic test device, transplanting 4 per cylinder, began the test. The experimental treatment was to change the level of potassium application. The concentration of potassium in the culture medium was set at 25 ppm and divided into seven levels (0 to 6 K) in the range of 0 to 6 K (Table 1). Change the culture fluid every two weeks and tap water. Tap water potassium concentration of 1.5 ~ 2.1ppm, each