Girls' Diets Affect Puberty,Later Disease Risk

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本刊上期刊登了吴春拂选注的一篇文章,题目是:Dieting May HarmGirl’s IQs。该文标题中的Dieting的意思是“节食”,节食,会降低女孩的智商;而本文标题中的Diets却是“饮食”的意思。本文的主题句就亮出一个或多或少与前文相左的意见: Young girls who consume diets rich in animal protein and fat may be eatingtheir way to an early puberty(青春期)and possibly increasing their risk for chronicdisease later in life. 女孩如果多吃富含动物蛋白质和动物脂肪的食物将过早进入青春期,并可能日后患上慢性疾病的风险。 根据专家的意见,女孩的“健康饮食”应该是:to reduce intakes of saturated(饱和的)fat and red meat and excess calories and to increase fruit/vegetable intakesin children. 如此饮食,其收效是:result in lower breast cancer rates,along with otherhealth benefits. 也许读者不会料到,如此饮食同样存在着“负面作用”:but the risk ofosteoporosis,and perhaps of other diseases,might increase. 两文并读,或者就单读此文,读者朋友就会深感左右为难,无所适从。 其实,深入一步想,这些意见并不矛盾,世界上许多事情都应该一分为二地去看,去思考。 In the previous issue of this issue, an article by Wu Chunxi was published, titled: Dieting May HarmGirl’s IQs. Dieting in the title of the article means “diet”. Dieting will reduce the girl’s IQ; Diets in the title of this article means “diet”. The subject line of this article reveals a view that is more or less contrary to the previous one: Young girls who consume diets rich in animal protein and fat may be eating their way to an early puberty (puberty) and possibly increasing their risk for chronic confusion later in life • Girls who eat more foods rich in animal protein and animal fats will prematurely enter puberty and may be at risk of chronic diseases in the future. According to the experts’ opinion, the girl’s “healthy diet” should be: to reduce intakes of saturated (saturated) fat and red meat and excess calories and to increase fruit/vegetable intakesin children. The result of such a diet is: result in the lower breast Perhaps the reader would not expect that this diet also has a “negative effect”: but the risk of osteoporosis, and perhaps of other diseases, moderate increase. Read two articles together, or just read this article. Readers and friends will feel deeply troubled and confused. Actually, in-depth thinking is that these opinions are not contradictory. Many things in the world should be looked at in two parts and considered.
凯丽填补了我生活中的空缺,带给我难以形容的欢乐和意义。感谢她,我的心还在中国,和那些千百个梦想有一个自己的家的孤儿在一起。 Carrie filled the vacancy in my life an
从一个百万富翁骤然间变成一个穷光蛋,这似乎是小说中才会出现的情节,可家住四川宜宾的侯志君就真真切切的体会了一把这种从天堂到地狱的感受。几乎就是一夜之间,不仅近百万的资产不见了踪影。他还背上了一屁股的外债。这是为什么呢?    恍如隔世 一夜间百万富翁成了穷小子    侯志君出生在岷江河畔的宜宾县,20岁时是当地最年轻的兽医站站长,从九十年代开始,这个“闲不住”的站长利用空余时间就搞起了“第二职业”
我上面已经有两个姐姐了,而我又是女孩。爷爷因此晕倒在地。父亲坚决要将我送人。是母亲用她瘦弱但却坚强的臂膀保护了我,又靠卖水果供我们三姐妹读书。 I already have two