研究了在低频振动花键挤压成形过程中成形力的变化规律和振动加工的降载机理。利用课题组研发的调频调幅振动挤压成形机为实验设备,搭建了成形力测量系统,实测花键振动挤压时成形力的变化,并对数据进行分析。结果表明:成形力的大小主要与振动的振幅有关,尤其是回退行程,当回退行程足够大时,模具与工件间的摩擦力将工件拉伸至屈服段,立即反向挤压,由于包辛格效应(Bauschinger),成形力显著降低;另外,良好的润滑条件可以有效降低成形力,模具回退瞬时离开材料变形区时,润滑液进入,降低了材料与模具间的摩擦,从而降低成形力。实验研究表明,对于模数为0.47、齿数为36的小模数渐开线外花键挤压成形,采用频率10 Hz、前进行程1.38 mm、回退行程0.67 mm时,成形力降低了27%,降载效果显著。
The changing rules of the forming force and the mechanism of the loading during vibration machining are studied in the process of low-frequency vibration spline extrusion. Using the FM AM vibrating extrusion molding machine developed by our research group as the experimental equipment, the forming force measuring system was set up to measure the forming force variation when the spline vibration was squeezed, and the data was analyzed. The results show that the forming force is mainly related to the amplitude of vibration, especially the retracting stroke. When the retracting stroke is large enough, the friction between the die and the workpiece stretches the workpiece to the yielding zone and the extrusion is immediately reversed. Bauschinger, the forming force is significantly reduced; In addition, a good lubrication conditions can effectively reduce the forming force, the mold back instantaneous leaving the deformation zone, the lubricating fluid into the lower friction between the material and the mold, thereby reducing Forming force. Experimental results show that the shaping force is reduced by 27% for the external involute spline forming with modulus of 0.47 and number of teeth of 36 with the frequency of 10 Hz, forward stroke of 1.38 mm and back stroke of 0.67 mm. , The loading effect is remarkable.