来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaowoyiao
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Four outbreaks of human trichinellosis caused by eating pork together had occurred successively in two rural areas and two cities of Henan Province, where the disease is endemic. Of the 110 persons involved, 54 had the onset. AH of them had the history of eating pork. In the outbreak of Dengzhou, in those persons who dined together, men were all uninfected and 13 women were infected. The difference found between sexes was suggested to be related with spirit drinking. In these 54 patients, the latent period ranged from 3 to 28 days. The relevant clinical symptoms and signs were fever, edema, myalgia, rash, headache, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Vomiting was uncommon. Most patients were hospitalized and all cases recovered in two weeks after proper treatment with albendazole. Four outbreaks of human trichinellosis caused by eating pork together had occurred successively in two rural areas and two cities of Henan Province, where the disease is endemic. Of the 110 persons involved, 54 had the onset. AH of them had the history of eating pork In the outbreak of Dengzhou, in those persons who dined together, men were all uninfected and 13 women were infected. The difference found between sexes was suggested to be related with spirit drinking. In these 54 patients, the latent period ranged from 3 to 28 days. The relevant clinical symptoms and signs were fever, edema, myalgia, rash, headache, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Vomiting was uncommon. Most patients were hospitalized and all cases recovered in two weeks after proper treatment with albendazole.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains a positite- and single-stranded RNA genomeand was proposed in 1991 to be placed in the new third genus of the familyFlavivirid
小欠儿:“注意啦注意啦,小明这次数学考试又没及格,真是太笨了!”  国学课代表突然站了起来: “课间咱们别浪费了,来预习一下《弟子规》中的这一句:‘人有短 切莫揭人有私 切莫说’。”  小明:“你…… ”小明看了小欠儿一眼,就把头埋进了桌子下。  小欠儿得意洋洋:“我早都预习过了,还知道它的意思就是‘不要去揭穿别人的缺点、短处。不要把别人的秘密张扬出去’。”  国学课代表:“解释得非常正确,不过要
文学教育在基础教育阶段是必要的,而且应该以相对独立的形态进入课程领域,摆脱语言教育工具的附庸身份,成为相对独立的一个学习领域。 Literary education is necessary in
近年来,由于经济的飞速发展致使我国高技术人才严重短缺,一时间“理科热”烧遍全国随着理科专业的走红,文科专业的地位随之迅速下降,被人们冷眼相看,文科生逐渐成了"滞 In r