On Cultivating Students' Ability of Listening Comprehension in Senior High School in the Northw

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Nowadays, the role of listening course is changed and listening teaching begins to gain high priority in foreign language learning and teaching. However, the English level of students in China is still poor, especially in the northwest of Guangxi. One of the reasons is that teachers in senior high schools have a tendency to ignore listening, because they think that listening is time-consumed. They have to finish the teaching scheme punctually, though listening is the basic and important skill among the other three skills, listening teaching gains no large progress. Nowadays, the role of listening course is changed and listening teaching begins to gain high priority in foreign language learning and teaching. However, the English level of students in China is still poor, especially in the northwest of Guangxi. One of the reasons is that teachers in senior high schools have a tendency to ignore listening, because they think that listening is punctually, though listening is the basic and important skill among the other three skills, listening teaching gains no large progress.
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成則济世,败则独善,谓之顺应天命。有的人固然竭力拼搏过,到底败北,独善了,那自然没话可说。但中国的自强者往往先设计好独善的退路,然后尝试去济世,稍一接触,便断定不成,退回来,觉得委屈万分,于是独善起来特别有滋味。中国没有浪子,中国的浪子还没离家已经想家了。  (屈屈摘自广西师范大学出版社《素履之往》)