高校里的学生党支部如何更好地发挥作用,在大学生中充分展示党员的整体形象?北师大经济系学生党支部曾经面临过这个问题的困扰,但是,他们现在找到了好的载体——有事找党员。党支部书记周巧云说:“这是我们党支部经过讨论提出的口号,大家一致认为应该以此统一党员的行动。我们在学校的橱窗里公布了这些想法,以便同学有困难、党组织需要力量时,都能找到我们。” 经济系学生党支部由四个年级的10名正式党员、24名预备党员组成。支部书记周巧云是位即将毕业的湖南姑娘,热情、干练。她请我看党支部的工作资料、活动照片和党员们的思想总结。她告诉我,几年来党支部一直在帮助系资料室装订资料,打扫卫生,为校图书馆介绍新书和科技动态。
How can student party branches in colleges and universities play their role better and fully display the overall image of party members among college students? The student party branch of the Faculty of Economics of Beijing Normal University has faced the problem of this problem. However, they now have found a good carrier - Have something to find a party member. Zhou Qiaoyun, secretary of the party branch, said: “This is the slogan put forward by our party branch after discussion. All agreed that party members should be unified in their actions. We published these ideas in the window of the school to make it difficult for our students and our party organizations need strength We can find us. ”The Department of Economics Student Party Branch consists of 10 full-time members in four grades and 24 reserve members. Branch secretary Zhou Qiaoyun is a graduating Hunan girl, passionate, capable. She asked me to see the work of the party branch information, photographs of activities and the party’s thought summary. She told me that during the past few years the Party branches have been helping to get the data room bound information, cleaning and introducing new books and technological developments to the school library.