硅谷人愿意把自己比作黄石国家公园,每两年就遭受一次森林大火.尽 管斑痕累累,但每到春天,新鲜的嫩芽又会从灰烬中探出头来.“,”As the information-technology industry's emphasis is shifting from innovation to execution, so is its location. These two distinct shifts are reshaping the business. For some time, its centre of gravity has been moving away from the Valley to places such as Redmond, Austin, Armonk and Walldorf (in Germany), where four industry leaders-Microsoft, Dell, IBM and SAP-are based. At the same time, large parts of the business are migrating offshore, mainly to India, as well as such places as China, Russia and Vietnam. This phenomena is much similar to what happened to the manufacturing industry in the 1970s and 1980s, when companies in the rich world moved many of their operations overseas. The IT industry is now developing something it hadn't before (except in the hardware manufacturing): a fully operational and international supply chain.