平贝母(Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.)从种子萌发到开花结果,一般要经六年时间,七年后新鳞茎开始减小,到九年后可能不形成新鳞茎。每年4月初地温2—4℃,更新芽萌发出土,灯笼竿(指开花植株)接着开花、结果。与此同时,地下部分完成新老鳞茎的更新。地上部分于6月上旬枯萎,而地下鳞茎中的更新芽进一步分化生长,同时又奠基新的腋芽原基。此外,在更新芽一侧形成一营养芽。11月中旬进入冬季休眠。一年中,计出苗后的地上生活期为70—80天,其余280—290天为地下生活期。平贝母最大特点是鳞茎上能形成大量小鳞芽—子贝,一般约20—30个。子贝发生于5月下旬至6月上旬。其发生部位可在肉质鳞叶、鳞茎盘以及更新芽的芽苞叶等处,均由薄壁细胞形成。另外,在不同生育期不同器官生物碱含量变化是:枯萎前的地上部分生物碱含量均比地下部分高,其中花蕾含量最高。四平头(4—5年生不开花植株)鳞茎的生物碱含量低于灯笼竿鳞茎。
Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. From seed germination to flowering, it usually takes six years and after seven years the bulb begins to diminish and new bulb may not form after nine years. April each year to the ground temperature of 2-4 ℃, germination of new shoots unearthed, lanterns pole (referring to flowering plants) then flowering, the result. At the same time, the underground part of the new bulbs to complete the update. The aerial parts withered in early June, while the newer shoots in underground bulbs further differentiated and grew while laying ground for new axillary bud primordia. In addition, a vegetative bud is formed on the side of the renewed bud. Into the winter in mid-November to sleep. During the year, the subspecies of above-ground life is calculated as 70-80 days and the remaining 280-290 days as subsurface life. Fritillaria is the most prominent feature is the bulbs can form a large number of small-scale bud - shellfish, usually about 20-30. Oyster shell occurs in late May to early June. Its site of occurrence can be formed by parenchyma cells at the fleshy scales, bulbs, as well as bud bracts of renewal buds. In addition, the changes of alkaloid content in different organs at different growth stages were: the content of alkaloids in aerial parts before wilting was higher than that in underground parts, and the content of flower buds was the highest among them. Siping (4-5 years old flowering plants) bulb alkaloid content is lower than the lantern rod.