用耳穴电特性测试微机系统 ,检测 15例肝癌患者和 38位健康者的 2 0个耳穴。经统计分析的结果表明 :耳穴的电位、电阻和电容等电特性三变量具有反应肝癌病变的特导性 ;其中相应穴肝区最显著 ,14个穴位有不同程度的显著性 ;电位具显著性的穴位最多 ,电容次之 ,电阻较少。耳穴电特性的特异性呈现复杂的多元性 ,可能源于经络、脏腑和穴位之间的复杂相互作用 ,深入研究其规律和机制可能涉及经穴本质 ,也为诊断应用提供重要的基础
A computerized system was used to test the electrical characteristics of the ear, and 20 ears were detected in 15 patients with liver cancer and 38 healthy persons. The results of statistical analysis showed that three variables, such as electrical potential, electrical resistance, and capacitance of the auricular point, had special conduction in the response to hepatocarcinoma lesions; the most significant of the corresponding points was in the liver, and 14 points were of different degrees of significance; the electrical potential was significant. The most acupuncture points, followed by the capacitance, less resistance. The specificity of the electrical characteristics of the auricular acupoints is complex and may be due to the complex interactions between meridians, organs and acupoints. Further study of the rules and mechanisms may involve the essence of acupoints and provide an important basis for diagnostic applications.