
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guolsh003
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建立了等边角钢截面广义屈服函数的齐次化表达式,由此定义了角钢构件的单元承载比,依据承载比均匀度建立了弹性模量调整的动态阈值,并根据变形能守恒准则建立了弹性模量调整策略,提出了输电塔架极限承载力分析的弹性模量缩减法,可通过系统缩减结构中高承载比单元的弹性模量,模拟输电塔架塑性失效过程,确定结构极限承载力。该法克服了传统弹性模量缩减法及其他弹性模量调整方法因不满足比例加载条件所导致的计算精度和稳定性不良问题,并继承了该类方法原理简单、计算高效的优点。 The homogeneous expression of the generalized yield function of the equilateral angle section is established. The unit bearing ratio of the angle member is defined, and the dynamic threshold of elastic modulus adjustment is established according to the bearing ratio evenness. Based on the conservation criterion of deformation energy, Elastic modulus adjustment strategy, the elastic modulus reduction method for the analysis of ultimate bearing capacity of transmission tower is proposed. The ultimate bearing capacity of the structure can be determined by reducing the elastic modulus of the unit with high bearing ratio in the system and simulating the plastic failure process of the transmission tower. This method overcomes the problems of poor accuracy and stability caused by the traditional method of elastic modulus reduction and other methods of elastic modulus adjustment, which are not satisfied with the proportional loading conditions and inherits the advantages of simple method and high efficiency of such methods.
数十条刀痕  某天下午,自习课,我正在教室巡视。  突然,发现一女生课桌下垃圾遍地,课桌上也有一团团用过的纸巾,这引起了我的注意。此时,她正在别处与其他同学交流作业问题。我便问起是谁这么不讲卫生,周围同学便纷纷向我反映:“她经常擦血。”他们把桌头上印着鲜血的纸巾推到我面前。她经常流鼻血?不对头,不会是……我正迟疑着,学生又接着说。“她经常用小刀划手……”“手上、手腕上都有。没事她就划。”“有时上课
摘要:表征是指问题解决者在头脑中以某种理解来呈现问题,使问题的任务领域转化为问题空间,是问题解决者对一个问题所达到的全部认识状态.问题表征是问题解决的关键.教育的核心问题是能力的培养,其中问题表征能力的培养是教学的主要方面.  关键词:问题表征;理解题意;数学思想;思维习惯;感悟  策略一、理解题意是正确表征的基础  正确表征的基础就是理解题意.要想正确理解题意,学生首先必须有较强的数学阅读能力,