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为了研究火箭/冲压喷气的二次燃烧机理,试制了将二次燃烧的局部燃烧现象模型化的燃烧实验装置,进行了甲烷-空气的基础实验。本实验中的燃烧现象是在具有浓度梯度的可燃混合气体中的火焰传播。浓度梯度最初是由静止状态的甲烷气体与空气的扩散现象形成。火焰传播现象是通过高速旋转切口板把火焰波形随时间的变化拍摄在静止照片上进行观察。本实验研究证明,由于扩散时间比较短的气体之间的扩散,对任何气体组成都容易形成具有浓度梯度的可燃混合气体,同时还明确了以下问题:火焰在与浓度梯度垂直的方向传播时,燃烧速度与预混火焰的燃烧速度相比明显下降,而且随着燃烧距离的增加而减速。另外,具有浓度梯度的可燃混合气体在气体中有熄火情况,点火能量、当量比及浓度梯度可以作为熄火条件的参数考虑。 In order to study the secondary combustion mechanism of rocket / ramjet, a combustion experiment device modeling the local combustion of secondary combustion was developed and a methane-air basic experiment was carried out. The phenomenon of combustion in this experiment is the flame propagation in a combustible gas mixture with a concentration gradient. The concentration gradient is initially formed by the diffusion of quiescent methane gas and air. The phenomenon of flame propagation was observed by photographing still photos with changes in flame waveforms over time by rotating the incision plate at a high speed. The experimental study proves that due to the diffusion between gas with a relatively short diffusion time, it is easy to form a combustible gas mixture with a concentration gradient for any gas composition. Meanwhile, the following problems are also clarified: when the flame propagates perpendicularly to the concentration gradient, The combustion rate is significantly lower than the combustion speed of the premixed flame and decelerates as the combustion distance increases. In addition, flammable gas mixtures with concentration gradient have flameout in gas, ignition energy, equivalence ratio and concentration gradient can be considered as parameters of flameout conditions.
现代国民经济动员产生于20世纪初爆发的第一次世界大战,在经历了工业时代形成与发展的历史过程后, 目前正处于重要的演变时期。理清现代国民经济动员形成、发展与演变的动因
提出了一种计算无叶扩压器两壁面上不可压缩三元紊流附面层的方法。分析中假设径向速度剖面为二阶梯形,且附面层内的速度分布采用能明显表示主流流线偏转角影响的Johns ton的
在市场经济转型过程中.出现“同工不同酬”问题,这违背按劳分配的原则.引起社会分配不公,不利于我国和谐社会建设。实施岗位绩效工资制,有利于促进同工同酬。 In the proces
一、研究与分析方法 本实验在地面台架上的一台涡喷发动机上进行。图1为试验装置前段及挡板装置简图。挡板用以产生较强的湍流型动态压力畸变,而压气机出口测点的动态压力P_
One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw a woman he knew sitting on a bench with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman. One day when J