多多益善,是综合性运动会主办者所信奉的一种哲学。亚运会如此,奥运会如此,大运会也不例外。单从诸多的角度看,举办本届大运会的日本福冈人得到满足。报名参加本届大运会的国家和地区多达161个(实际到会139个),人数多达6000(实际到会5384),是历史上规模最大、参赛人数最多的大运会。 同样花那么多的钱,来者越多,影响就越大,何乐而不为呢?然而,福冈人费尽了心机,争得了个“之最”,但是大运会每况愈下的趋势并没有因此扭转。 大运会不像奥运会在报名、竞赛诸方面有非常严格的规定,加之各国和地区重视的程度高低不等,所派队伍又参
More and more good, is a comprehensive sports organizers believe in a philosophy. Asian Games So, the Olympic Games, the Universiade is no exception. From a number of perspectives alone, the Japanese Fukuoka held this Universiade met. The number of countries and regions that enrolled in this Universiade is as many as 161 (actually 139), as many as 6,000 (actually 5384). It is the largest and most-attended Universiade in history. Similarly, spend so much money, more people, the greater the impact, why not? However, Fukuoka people tried their best to win a “top”, but the Universiade declining trend has not been reversed . Unlike the Olympic Games in the Universiade application, competitions have very strict rules, combined with the importance of various countries and regions, ranging from the level,