Research on the Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Enterprises

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  Abstract:This study describes the successful experience of Huawei enterprises and hopes to provide theoretical and practical value suggestions for other large and medium-sized enterprises in China, and to go smoothly to the world.
  Keywords:Internationalization; Chinese Enterprises; Huawei
  1. Introduction
  The past 20 years have seen a massive redistribution of economic power to the emerging economies. Emerging economies, particularly since the financial crisis in the developed Western economies of the US and Europe, are now the driving force behind much of the world's economic growth and trade, consuming 75 percent of the world's steel, buying over 50 percent of the world's cars responsible for 50 percent of retail sales worldwide.
  2. Literature Review
  2.1 Research on Brand Internationalization of Foreign Brand
  The term “brand” and “trademark” originally meant the symbol of class division in medieval horses, cattle and sheep. Consumers can screen consumers' favorite products or services according to their own needs through personalized needs. The company will absorb new knowledge from all over the world. The internationalization of the brand can enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise and improve the overall competitiveness of the enterprise. innovation.
  2.2 Research on Brand Internationalization of China Brand
  With the booming market economy, China began to grow rich in the 1980s. Wang Xiaojuan and Liu Shijin believe that the Chinese economy has bid farewell to the "shortfall" era, and brand products are conducive to the adjustment of state-owned enterprises and economic structure, thereby promoting the transformation of the economic system. These changes are due to China's beginning to enter the brand strategy is a powerful lever to achieve economic restructuring and economic growth, quality and brand competition.
  3. Overseas Development of Huawei
  3.1 Introduction of Huawei
  Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) is a private communication technology company established in 1987 in Shenzhen, China. Its main direction is to manufacture and sell communication equipment.
  3.2 Overseas Development Strategies of Huawei
  3.2.1 Product strategy
  Customer-centric is the core of Huawei's product strategy. Ren Zhengfei once said that serving customers is the only reason for the existence of Hua Wei. In fact, serving customers is not only the only reason for all companies, but also the only reason for Huawei's existence.   3.3.2 Price strategy
  In fact, in the early stages, Huawei's technical strength was not as strong as today. However, today's Huawei development is booming. Its success is mainly due to thestrength of market development and technological innovation. This is because it must strive for development opportunities for itself and adopt a cooperative competition strategy of “from easy to difficult”, just as we are at the end. Mentioned in the two sections. In the implementation of these strategies, Huawei also adopted a low-cost strategy for overseas expansion, just like most Chinese companies.
  3.3.3 Place strategy
  Huawei's channel strategy is more flexible, in fixed network and mobile network on the channel construction of China's experience, and proper development agency, in the aspect of Internet product (router) learning cisco's marketing model, marketing, distribution model is more perfect, however, direct marketing, e-commerce has a big gap compared with cisco.
  3.3.4 promotion strategy
  Huawei company in advertising and image is more conservative, in addition to Huawei terminal products, outside the more sufficient public media advertising, business and other products, corporate image promotion behavior rarely. Huawei has invested a lot of manpower and resources in these exhibitions, as an important opportunity platform to promote the company's image and promote new technologies and products.
  4. Recommendations to Overseas Development of Chinese Enterprises Based on Huawei
  4.1 Develop an Overall Planning and Arrangement
  Companies must clearly think about why they want to go global, what they can offer in the international market before they start overseas, and where is the starting point for your global business. One of the good ideas is to directly tap talents with relevant experience, which will help companies to go global. On the other hand, don't just learn from other people's experiences and practices, but go global for the trend of “going out”.
  4.2 Improve the Level of Internationalization of Talent
  On the one hand, in order to meet the requirements of enterprises to go global, Chinese companies can also establish their own training centers, improve their ability and train employees. On the other hand, in order to cultivate talents with the skills and skills required for overseas development of the company, a strategy has been developed for Chinese companies to cooperate with universities and research institutions.   4.3 Improve R&D Investment Intensity and Emphasize
  Like most Chinese companies, Huawei also did not perform well in basic research investment. Fortunately, Huawei's basic research, by analyzing its weaknesses, adopts a proactive strategy to make things better. With Huawei's determination to change and improve basic research and rationally allocate the total investment in research and development, other Chinese companies should pay more attention to basic research.
  5. Conclusion
  In the future, this study will conduct in-depth research in the direction of the company's management and government support, and will obtain more satisfactory results with detailed data for further specific research. I hope that this research can make scientific, theoretical and practical reference directions for Chinese enterprises to "go out of the international". I will continue to make greater efforts in this regard
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  Author profile:
  Bei Qin,zhixing,northwest normal university。
摘 要:破解金融债务处置难题是推进过剩产能退出的重要环节,也是深化供给侧结构性改革、防范化解金融风险的重点工作。当前钢铁煤炭等过剩产能企业已逐步完成产能压退,但是其涉及的金融债务处置问题尚未得到根本解决。本文对目前过剩产能企业金融债务处置的现状和存在的问题进行了研究,并提出政策建议。  关键词:过剩产能企业;金融债务;处置  一、过剩产能企业金融债务处置现状  (一)金融债务处置方式  自去产能政
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摘 要:随着经济的不断增长,引发了威胁人类生存的重要问题,就是环境恶化。而经济的增长又离不开环境,这就需要人们科学的处理两者的关系,在两者之间寻求一个平衡,从而获得一个健康的环境及一个迅速的经济增长水平。笔者作为一名高中生,首先对经济增长和环境、社会健康成本的关系进行探究,然后结合实证研究,提出相应的建议。  关键词:经济;增长;环境;社会健康;成本  当前,全球变暖愈加严重,南极与北极正以极快的
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摘 要:当下金融经济的迅速进步以及创新是经济发展的特征,不断有科技成果出现,创造出新的工具以及技术,让金融经济逐渐产生变化,以往的金融模式注定是要被取代的,金融经济也是受到诸多方面的影响,从国内金融经济整体的发展上看,无论是经济结构还是管理体制,或者是从技术的层面评估,都是有着诸多的不足,思想、制度以及风险等各方面不断有一些因素阻碍着金融经济的实际发展。文章分析的是哪些因素造成了对国内金融经济的影
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