一、中国科学技术大学脑科学研究中心的成立背景 基于对21世纪科技发展的战略考虑,美国于1990年推出了“脑的十年”计划,欧洲于1991年开始实施“EC脑十年计划”,日本于1996年也正式推出了名为“脑科学时代计划”的跨世纪大型研究计划,为此,将在未来20年内投入2兆日元的研究经费。“要实现智能革命,就要更深入地了解人的大脑。……。利用(脑功能成像等)这些新技术能测知为什么有些人具有高智力等问题,这为开发人脑智力功能和防治人脑各种生理和心理疾病等提供科学依据,同时为创造性地发展信息科学和人工智能创造了条件。”日本的“脑科学时代计划”也认为,“目前,人类在生命科学领域的研究中,只有‘脑’还是个空白,为了让停滞的日本科学研究工作活跃起来,为了创造新兴产业,应该把脑科学研究作为第一位的目标”。由此可见,无论从强化基础研究,从而推动科学技术的进步,还是从创造新兴产业,寻找新的经济增长点,脑科学都将是21世纪领头的科学技术。
I. Background of Establishment of Brain Science Research Center of University of Science and Technology of China Based on the strategic consideration of science and technology development in the 21st century, the United States launched the “Brain Decade” Plan in 1990 and the European Program “EC Brain Ten Years Plan” Japan also formally launched a large-scale cross-century research project called “Brain Science Era Project” in 1996, and will invest 2 trillion yen in research funding over the next 20 years. “To achieve a smart revolution, it is necessary to understand human brains more deeply .... Using these new technologies (brain imaging, etc.), these new technologies can detect why some people have problems such as high intelligence, which are essential for developing brain intelligence and prevention Provide a scientific basis for various physiological and psychological diseases of the human brain and create conditions for the creative development of information science and artificial intelligence. ”Japan's“ Brain Science Era Project ”also believes that" at present, human beings in the field of life science research , Only the 'brain' is still blank. In order to revitalize the stagnating Japanese scientific research work and to create emerging industries, brain science research should be the first goal. ' Thus, no matter from strengthening basic research to promote the progress of science and technology, or from creating new industries and finding new economic growth points, brain science will be the leading science and technology in the 21st century.