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我院自1989年起,应用B超探测膀胱肿瘤,现将其中有手术结果及病理诊断的病例初步分析如下。1 材料与方法1.1 所用仪器为Alak~630 PA~600超声显像仪频率为3.5mHz,1994年1月~1996年6月,经手术及病理证实的病例共15例,其中男性14例,女性1例,年龄为53~68岁。1.2 探测方法:病员于检查前1小时饮水500~800ml,使其膀胱适当充盈后,以利探测。探测时,患者仰卧,充分暴露脐下至耻骨联合处,按常规首先选用横切面自上往下探测,当发现肿块后,于肿块区作纵横切面检查,必要时增加斜切面进行观察或让病人变化体位,以观察肿瘤的位置、形态及浸润情况。 Our hospital since 1989, the application of B-detection of bladder cancer, which now has the results of surgery and pathological diagnosis of the case preliminary analysis is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 The instrument used Alak ~ 630 PA ~ 600 ultrasound imaging frequency of 3.5mHz, January 1994 ~ June 1996, a total of 15 cases confirmed by surgery and pathology, including 14 males and females 1 case, aged 53 to 68 years old. 1.2 detection method: the patient 1 hour before the examination of drinking water 500 ~ 800ml, so that the appropriate filling of the bladder, to facilitate detection. Detection, the patient supine, fully exposed under the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis, according to the conventional first choice of cross-section from top to bottom detection, when the mass was found in the tumor area for longitudinal and transverse sections, if necessary, increase the bevel for observation or let the patient Change the position to observe the location of the tumor, morphology and infiltration.
1.DNA结构类 原理:碱基互补配对原则。 规律:(1)一个双链DNA分子中,配对的碱基数量相等,且嘌呤总数等于嘧啶总数,即A=T,C=G,A+G=C+T=A+C=G+T; 1. Principles of DNA Struct
请问:图1中共有多少个平行四边形?图1 如果一个一个的数,那一定是很难而且容易数错,如果找出其中的规律就能快捷地数出平行四边形的个数.下面是我找到的规律. 12三二厂 图3
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知识链接 一元二次方程ax~2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的根的判别式△=b~2-4ac可用来判断方程根的情况。 ①△>0方程有两个不相等的实数根; ②△=0方程有两个相等的实数根; ③△0 equati