目前,在国家土地流转政策的支持下,农业规模化种植已成为一种趋势。农业规模化种植带动了间作套种的发展,滑县各种高产高效间作套种模式日渐增多,大蒜、西瓜、玉米间作套种就是其中之一。现将其栽培技术介绍如下。1种植模式按2.8 m一带,畦面宽2.3 m、畦埂宽0.5 m作畦,9月下旬至10月上旬在畦内靠一边播种9行大蒜,另一边留1 m左右的预留行;翌年3月中旬在营养钵中育西瓜苗,4月中旬在预留行中施肥整地后移栽1行西瓜,株距30~40 cm,亩种700株左右;大蒜收获(5月底)后,在畦内直播3行玉米。
At present, with the support of the national land transfer policy, large-scale farming has become a trend. Large-scale farming led to the development of intercropping intercropping, Huaxian high-yield intercropping intercropping with increasing patterns of intercropping, garlic, watermelon, intercropping intercropping is one of them. Now its cultivation techniques are as follows. 1 Plantation mode is 2.8 m belt width of 2.3 m, 畦 埂 width of 0.5 m for 畦, from late September to early October sowing 9 rows of garlic within the 畦 on the other side to stay about 1 m reserve line; Watermelon seedlings were nurtured in the nutrient bowl in mid-March of the following year. One row of watermelon was transplanted in the reserved row in mid-April. The plant spacing was about 30-40 cm and about 700 acres were planted. Garlic was harvested (at the end of May)畦 live 3 lines of corn.