In the past ten years, urbanization has become a far-reaching public policy in China. It has not only shaped a new type of urban-rural relations, but also greatly shaped the behavior of grassroots government. When implementing the urbanization policy, the township government will show extreme behavior, that is, absorption and tolerance. The county-township financial relations and the county-level government’s financial dependence on land are the two major causes of extreme patterns of behavior. Two different models of urbanization have similar consequences among peasants, and peasants have shown varying degrees of dissatisfaction with concentrated residence. Therefore, in the process of implementing the policy of collective residence of peasants, effective measures to curb the irrational behavior of the grassroots government are to adjust the index and structure of the political incentive mechanism, and at the same time, institutionalize the basic rights of peasants to participate in this policy and establish peasants Cooperation with the government.