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很多家长第一次面对孩子入园,内心也都比较焦虑和恐惧,有的父母甚至会很苦恼:“孩子要上幼儿园,我们应该怎么做才能让孩子顺利度过适应期?”看看一位智慧的父亲是如何做到的。多管齐下,防患未然“爸爸,幼儿园真的很好玩吗?”“老师是不是也像外公那样,很凶啊!”“别的小朋友会不会欺负我呀?”……在上幼儿园之前,伊伊就开始对幼儿园的生活很好奇,总喜欢了解幼儿园里的很多事,也经常向我问起幼儿园的各种各样的问题。在她那憧憬和期盼的眼神里,伴随着的还有恐惧和不安。每年9月,3岁左右的孩子们都将告别家长的全天陪护,迎来幼儿园生活。很多家长,第一次面对孩子入,内心也都比较焦虑和恐惧,很早就开始紧锣密鼓地张罗孩子人园这点儿事儿。 Many parents face their children for the first time in the park, the heart is also more anxiety and fear, and some parents will even be distressed: “Children want to go to kindergarten, how should we do to allow children to pass the adaptation period?” See how a wise father did it. Multi-pronged, preventive measures “” Dad, kindergarten is really fun? “” Is the teacher like my grandfather, so fierce ah! “” Other children will not bully me? "... Before going to kindergarten, Yi began to curious about the life of kindergartens. She always liked to know many things in kindergartens and asked me often about various problems in kindergartens. In her longing and hope look, accompanied by fear and anxiety. Every September, children around the age of 3 will say goodbye to the parents’ all-day escort and welcome kindergarten life. Many parents, for the first time in the face of their children, are anxious and fearful in their hearts and have long started to make efforts to expand their children’s garden.
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Mr. Robert Lynd once remarked of Jane Austen’s characters:“They are people in whose lives a slight fall of snow is an event.”Even at the risk of appearing to