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在中国曾有无数企业依靠不同的策略快速增长,并成为一时的明星,但能够维持十年持续增长的却少之又少。一些品牌依靠大规模广告投放快速提高品牌知名度,可是现在,还有谁记得十年前的一些“标王”品牌呢?一些企业依靠强大的制造能力和低廉价格,迅速成长并为全世界生产电器和服装,但他们获得的价值在整个产业链中又能占多少百分比呢?还有一些企业依靠政府扶植和政策的倾斜快速起步,一旦政策调整或者行业变 In China, there were countless enterprises that grew rapidly by different strategies and became the mover of the moment. However, few sustained their growth in the past decade. Some brands rely on large-scale advertising rapid increase in brand awareness, but now, who remember some of the ten years ago, “superstar” brand? Some companies rely on strong manufacturing capacity and low prices, rapid growth and the world Production of electrical appliances and clothing, but how much of the value they gain can account for the entire industrial chain? Still others rely on government support and policy to quickly start off, once the policy adjustment or industry change
近年来我市旋毛虫病的发病终年不断,常于3-4月间暴发流行,现就1984年春暴发流行中资料较完整的58例作一报道。 临床资料 一、一般资料:有7起33人由于聚餐而集体感染,全部病
霍乱B亚单位-菌体菌苗(BS-WC)系由1mg BS和1×10~(11)WC组成;安慰剂系经加热杀死的相同浓度大肠杆菌K12株。将63,498名2~15岁孟加拉国儿童和15岁以上的妇女随机分成3组,以随
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Mr. Robert Lynd once remarked of Jane Austen’s characters:“They are people in whose lives a slight fall of snow is an event.”Even at the risk of appearing to