The authors induced the shock by means of exsanguination and given “new red blood cells” (NRC) after 30 minutes. The hemodynamic oxygen transport index was measured by experimental means to observe the effect of NRC on severe shock. Seven beagle dogs were used in this experiment. After intravenous anesthesia, endotracheal intubation and inhalation of 50% oxygen. Animal venous blood was withdrawn at a rate of 30 ml / minute. Animal shock is defined as systolic blood pressure 60 ~ 69mmHg. After 30 minutes, give NRC and repeat. The amount of NRC used was 1.5 times the volume of the bleeding to restore the animal from the shock state. Animals can tolerate shock three times but can not recover from four shocks. NRC increases the viscosity of whole blood by about 1/3, increases the intravascular resistance after use and decreases cardiac output, leading to heart failure. In addition, oxygen consumption increases due to shock. The NRC compensates for the decrease in cardiac output by raising the AV difference to meet oxygen demand. but