案情简介: 申诉人:郑某被诉人:某用人单位申诉人称:申诉人于1995年5月至1997年12月在被诉人某用人单位上班,1997年11月28日下午因特殊原因,上班时间在对门商店买东西,被单位领导看见误认为申诉人在打麻将,并在12月1日的职工大会上点名批评,要申诉人写检讨并扣工资100元,两人在会上发生争执。第二天,被诉人单位领导口头通知申诉人不再上班。12月底,申诉人到单位领年终奖,被诉人以申诉人被开除为由拒绝发给年终奖。申诉人要求被诉人补发1997年度的年终奖金和
Brief introduction of the case: Complainant: Zheng Mou Respondent: The complainant of an employer said: The complainant went to work at a certain employer of the respondent from May 1995 to December 1997, and on the afternoon of November 28, 1997, for special reasons, Working hours to buy things in the store, was seen by the unit leaders mistakenly believe that the complainant is playing mahjong, and in the December 1 general assembly named criticism, the complainant to write review and deduct wages 100 yuan, two people at the meeting dispute. The next day, the head of the respondent unit verbally informed the claimant that it no longer had to go to work. At the end of December, the claimant went to the unit to receive the year-end bonus and the respondent was expelled from the claimant by refusing to issue the year-end bonus. The claimant requested that the respondent reissue the 1997 year-end bonus and