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本文研究了以米蛾卵为寄主的玉米螟赤眼蜂生物学特性。研究结果表明,在温度为25~26℃,相对湿度83~86%条件下的羽化历时为7.5天,羽化后1天内为羽化高峰期,羽化期内前3天为羽化盛期,其羽化数量占总羽化量的88.77%。羽化雄蜂率平均为26.68%。在玉米螟赤眼蜂成虫期喂蜜补充营养条件下,其寿命延长1~2天,每头雌蜂平均产卵量提高5~15粒。雌蜂寿命为O.5~7.5天,平均寿命为3.6天。雄蜂寿命为O.5~5天,平均寿命为2.4天。羽化后3天内雌、雄蜂死亡率分别为52.5%和84.4%。除7.5%的雌蜂不产卵外,每头雌蜂产卵量为1~111粒,平均为55粒。其产卵期为0.5~7天,羽化并接种后12小时内为产卵高峰期,占总产卵量的62.25%。同时发现玉米螟赤眼蜂在米蛾卵上寄生6~9小时即可产出体内绝大部分的卵量。 In this paper, we studied the biological characteristics of Trichogramma ostriniae fed on rice moth eggs. The results show that the plume of the plume reaches 7.5 days at the temperature of 25 ~ 26 ℃ and the relative humidity of 83 ~ 86%. The eclosion peak is within 1 day after eclosion and the plume of the first three days during the eclosion period. 88.77% of the total amount of emergence. The feathering drone rate averaged 26.68%. Under the conditions of feeding nutritional status of Trichogramma ostriniae, the longevity of Trichogramma ostriniae is extended by one to two days, and the average number of fecundity per female was increased by 5-15. The female bee’s life is O.5 ~ 7.5 days, the average life expectancy is 3.6 days. Drone life of O.5 ~ 5 days, the average life expectancy of 2.4 days. Mortality rates of female and male bee within three days after eclosion were 52.5% and 84.4% respectively. Except 7.5% of female bees did not lay eggs, the number of fecundity per female was 1 ~ 111, averaging 55. The spawning period is 0.5 ~ 7 days, emergence and peak within 12 hours after inoculation, accounting for 62.25% of the total fecundity. Trichogramma ostriniae also found parasitic eggs in moths 6 to 9 hours to produce the body most of the eggs.
以波兰鋼琴家的身份,代表着正在进行社会主义建設的波兰人民,来我国举行十九世紀波兰人民的歌手——肖邦作品独奏会,这件事情本身,即包含着深刻的意义。 肖邦,这个亲切的名
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