在今年8月底召开的一次《消防法》宣贯会上,我们认识了杭州市拱墅区长征桥居委会主任洪婉足。她作为基层群众组织的代表在会上发了言,谈到了《消防法》实施后居民区的消防工作任务更重了,责任更大了;也表达了自己的心愿:“奉献余热,到死为止”。她娓娓而谈,质朴的言辞,生动的事例,扎实的作风,给与会代表留下了深刻的印象。同时,也深深地打动了我们的心,我们决意采访她。 灭火器:从43只到家家户户都配 没有事先通知,我们悄然而至。长征桥居委会位于杭城北面的城郊结合部,呈狭长形分布,紧旁运河的一条支流,房子很旧且低矮;看得出,这是个老城区,历史很久了。然而奇怪的是,房子尽管陈旧,可环境却很幽静,地面打扫得干干净净。 一个老大娘见到我们,连忙呼喊起“洪老师——洪老师”的名字。我们心中纳闷:“洪主任怎么变成洪老师了呢?”紧接着,一个熟悉的身影出现在我们的面前,——这分明是我们要找的洪婉足主任! 她戴一副老花镜,头发有些花白,可身体很硬朗,清癯的脸庞,一付精干的样子。她很热情,也很健谈,话闸子一下子打开了:“我今年61岁,福建人,早年在三明市教书,曾当过7年的幼儿教师,8年的小学教师,7年的初中教师。85年退休,随夫在杭州安家”。 我们愈发对她产生了兴趣,追问她怎样当起居委会主任,?
At the end of August this year, held a “Fire Law” publicizing the meeting, we met in Hangzhou Gongshu District Director of Long March Bridge Hong Wan foot. As a representative of grass-roots mass organizations, she made a speech at the meeting, talking about the “fire law” after the implementation of residential fire fighting tasks more important, more responsibility; also expressed his wish: “dedication waste heat to death until”. Her talk, simple words, vivid examples and solid style left a deep impression on the delegates. At the same time, also deeply touched our hearts, we are determined to interview her. Fire Extinguisher: From 43 to every household all without prior notice, we quietly. Changzhengqiao neighborhood is located in the northern suburbs of Hangzhou, the junction of the suburbs, was narrow-shaped distribution, tight side of a tributary of the canal, the house is old and low; see, this is an old town, a long history. Strangely enough, though the house is old, the environment is quiet and the ground is clean. An eldest aunt saw us and quickly shouted the name of “Hung teacher - teacher Hong”. We wondered in the heart: “How did Mr. Hung become a teacher Hung?” And then, a familiar figure appeared before us - clearly this is what we are looking for Hong Wanzhu director! She wears a reading glasses, some hair White, but the body is very tough, clear face, a lean look. She was very passionate and very talkative. The dialect was opened at once: “I am 61 years old. The people of Fujian Province, who taught in their early years in Sanming City, have worked as preschool teachers for 7 years, primary school teachers of 8 years and junior high school Teacher. 85 years of retirement, with her husband in Hangzhou home. ” We became more and more interested in her and asked her how she should be the director of the neighborhood committee.