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  “Squat” is more general in dance training,and involve in different kinds of dances,for example,Folk dance lies in the style of training “squatting”,but Classical dance widely stresses on dancing modeling on the basis of squatting,as well as,the training of Ballet (Pilé) is both functional and artistic.The function embodies that make the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities be more elasticity and elasticity by Pilé,laying the foundation for a complex and elaborate ballet performance;Artistry is embodied in the rules of Pilé, which embodies the western aesthetic principles of openness, rigidity and integrity.
  The movement of Pilérefers to the condition of the human body from being upright.Through the flexion and extension of the knees and ankles, the human body’s center of gravity moves downward and upward.This action mode is called the “closed loop control system” of action,which proposed by Jack Adams (Jack Adams) in the 70s of last century,“It means that people can use the feedback functions of various sensory information, such as proprietor, to control long and slow motion skills.”Therefore, the motion structure of Pilé is plastic and can be continuously calibrated to form precise and standardized movements.
  The action mechanism of Pilé
  The action specification ofPilé
  The author divides the complete action of Pilé into three stages: standing, squatting, and rising.
  The form of standing is the foundation,and fostering correct posture is the foundation of all dance training,It’s also the action preparation stage of Pilé。Because of the particularity of ballet and the “difficult and beautiful” principle of its classical art,Standing for ballet training needs long term cultivation,and constant revision can form a good dynamic setting.In general,The stance of Pilé is different from the upright position of the human body at the beginning.On the basis of opening up, “stepping down” and “lifting up” require a lot of muscles to coordinate the effort,to maintain the standing form of the aesthetic requirements of ballet,laying the foundation for the upright and elegant posture。
  Anatomic analysis of Pilé
  From the first stage of standing, the legs should begin to move from the hip joint along the vertical axis of the lower limb, and pass through the knee and ankle joint with spiral external rotation, and the sole is spread on the ground. Squatting and up stage are the movements of the human body on the frontal and vertical axes, provided that they are sufficiently open.   The joints involved in Pilé are mainly hip, knee and ankle joints. When standing, the pelvis is slightly lower than the normal position, and the hip joints are connected to the external rotation of the lower extremities. In the squat stage, the knee joint is flexed, the hip joint is abducted, the ankle joint does the passive extension movement, so that the joints and muscles are fully extended and elongated against the muscles, and the knee joints are extended and the hip joints connect to the lower limbs when up. Slightly passive adduction, ankle flexion movement (straight).
  Analysis of the muscular work of Pilé
  The muscles of the lower limbs of the human body are relatively developed, which support the upright, walking and various creative activities of the human body. Ballet pays more attention to the comprehensive development and training of the muscles of the lower extremities. After more than 300 years of development, ballet training has formed a relatively perfect system based on the working principle and mechanism of lower limb muscles.
  The muscles involved in Pil e are gluteal muscle, sartorius muscle, two femoral muscles, four femoral head muscles, triceps femoris and tibialis posterior muscles. The gluteus maximus and sartorius muscles are the main muscles to keep the dancers from standing outside, and contractive for the centripetal. It is mainly to open the large rotors of the hip joint and provide enough space for the leg squat. At the time of squatting, the two head of the femoris should be statically supported on the outer edge of the thigh, and the four muscles of the femoris are pulled for the degenerate work.
  This paper conducts a comprehensive and in-depth study of the basic Pilé movement in ballet training. From the perspective of its basic connotation and denotation and action mechanism, we find out the training value and important utility of Pilé. Therefore, I think that in the dance training, we should strengthen the Pilé movement normalization, maximize the training of the contraction and extension of the multiple joint muscles of the lower limbs, and make the students clear the muscle feeling of the whole action process, so as to effectively improve their dance skills and the ability of the table.
  【作者簡介】李鹤群(1986.7- ),男,汉族,北京人,中央民族大学舞蹈学院艺术硕士,讲师,从事舞蹈基础训练课研究。
【摘要】 英语新课程教学改革在教学界的不断开展,对现阶段的初中英语教学也提出了越来越高的要求,对文化意识教学的强调就是其中的一个重要表现。教师在教学过程中,结合课本内容,选择性地渗透英美文化,既能帮助学生学习和理解课程内容,又有利于提高学生英语综合素质与学习兴趣,本文对如何在教学过程当中渗透英美文化提出了策略。  【关键词】初中英语;文化渗透;策略  【作者简介】范丽莉,江苏省海门市能仁中学。  
【摘要】随着网络技术的不断发展,促进了“互联网 ”时代的到来,各个领域都在享受互联网时代带来的便利。职业教育在我国教育体系占据很重要的作用,肩负着高素质、高技能人才培养的重任。因此,在中职英语教学中,要发挥“互联网 ”的优势,向信息化教育靠近,创新教学模式。  【关键词】互联网 ;中职英语;创新  【作者简介】李静,山西省运城市体育运动学校。  在信息化时代,教育也迎来了新的改革格局,与互联网技术
【摘要】在我国英语教学过程,特别是初中英语教学中,教师往往都停留在要求学生对教学内容的死记硬背之上,对学生学习英语的兴趣有着负面的影响。本文就几种情境教学法在初中英语教学中的应用方法来讨论初中英语多元化、年轻化、新颖化的教学方式,帮助学生重拾对外来语种知识的学习兴趣,从而提升教学效果。  【关键词】初中英语;情境教学法;学习兴趣;提升教学效果  【作者简介】高秀琼,江西省赣州市寻乌县第二中学。  
【摘要】随着教育体系改革步伐的推进,传统的高职大学英语教学模式已不能适应人才培养的需求。分层教学立足学生实际,根据不同的教学对象因材施教,为高职院校大学英语教学提供了新的思路。文章旨在分析分层教学在高职院校大学英语教学中的价值,立足高职大学英语教学的现状,提出分层教学在高职英语教学中的应用策略。  【关键词】分层教学;英语教学;应用价值  【作者简介】辛媛(1986- ),女,汉族,山东日照人,新
【摘要】混合式教学是在网络环境下融合传统课堂教学和网络信息技术的一种教学方式,本文从探讨混合式教学的定义为出发点,分析了网络环境下基础英语课程混合式教学的意义,指出其优势,并探讨在网络环境下如何利用混合教学模式提高英语专业学生的综合能力,培养学生合作学习、自主学习的能力。并进一步提出了在网络环境下开展高质量的英语混合式教学,以期提升基础英语课堂教学效果。  【关键词】基础英语;混合式教学;教学质量
【摘要】创设情境,运用情境教学是优化英语教学行之有效的一种方法。但小学英语课堂情境创设实践存在明显的误区,情境创设过于单一重复,忽视情境之间的关联性和真实性,忽视学生之间的差异性和实际认知水平,本文通过当前小学英语课堂情境创设的必要性以及存在的实践误区进行分析探讨与反思,从而提出提高小学英语课堂情境创设实践的有效性策略。  【关键词】小学英语课堂教学;情境创设;误区;对策  【作者简介】张爱萍,福
【摘要】将微信平臺应用于初中英语教学不仅可有效地改善学习氛围,拓展学习空间和时间,它是传统教学模式的良好辅助,对提升初中英语教学质量具有重要现实意义。  【关键词】微信;语音;群聊;英语学习  【作者简介】蒋世燕,福建厦门双十中学。  微信平台所具有的独特优势,无疑对初中英语教学会产生有效促进作用。在微信平台模式下,教师与学生的交流更加畅通,解决了传统英语教学中师生交流存在的障碍,对传统的英语教学