《东视广角》是东方电视台的一栏深度报道节目,诞生于东方电视台开播之日。该栏目诞生至今在节目形式上发生过诸多变化,但是最近1999年8月31日的一次改版却体现了电视从业人员对于电视深度报道的思考和探索。 深度报道原来是报纸的强项,而电视深度报道的崛起当首推中央电视台的《焦点访谈》、《新闻调查》和《东方时空》的“时空报道”。这几个栏目充分运
“East Vision” is a column of Oriental TV coverage of the program, was born on the day of the start of Oriental television. Since the birth of this section, many changes have taken place in the form of programs. However, the recent revision on August 31, 1999 reflects the thinking and exploration of TV practitioners on television coverage. Depth reports turned out to be the strengths of the newspapers, while the rise of television depth reports devaluated CCTV’s “Focus Interviews,” “News Surveys,” and “The Space and Time Report of the Orient.” These sections are fully shipped