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  Have you ever paid for educational podcasts or live videos? Ask a woman on the street and the chances are high that1 she will say yes. These years has seen China’s ride on the crest of a trend—“paying for knowledge,” an emergent economy enjoying its popularity in its prosperity.2 The content of its products ranges from economics, psychology, and finance to skills of talking, body-building, and baby-caring. The compass is so overarching that everything one possibly thinks of or something never occurs to one’s mind is probably on platforms online right at this moment.3
  Then what accounts for this craze4 on “knowledge”? First of all, the Internet serves as a precondition.5 Compared with traditional business models, online business has toppled the tyranny of space and the barriers to entry are much lowered.6 With a fast network and a smartphone, anyone having passed the identity check upon online platforms can apply to be an online teacher, and anyone with an online account can pay for “knowledge products” he/she wants at an affordable price.7 Meanwhile, in this age of information, a fear of missing out is generated by information explosion and information asymmetry.8 On one hand, there is ever more desire for focused information that is useful and relevant. On the other hand, such information is usually at the hands of professionals and experts serving well-known companies and schools with high walls. Together, the significance of being well-informed9 stands out. Moreover, the need to update skills constantly in this growingly competitive job market also pushes the mode10 hard. Confronted with a higher level of requirements of institutions, not a few candidates and employees feel the threat of being replaced, thereby yearning for11 seeking a better self.
  Admittedly, this “knowledge-based” payment fashion has proved to be lucrative.12 With regard to the whole society, information is motivated to flow relatively free and, to some extent, monopoly13 of information is broken. Besides, as a nascent industry, this economy instills vigor into the development of our country.14 Sellers can reap15 rich profits from it; buyers can enjoy self-growth and a broader horizon. Plus, this is also a reflection of respect for knowledge and talents. It promises possibilities of turning information into income.
  As with all the fledgling industry, however, the “pay-for-knowledge”boom betrays a few problems.16 For one thing, the market is awash with exaggerated slogans such as “How to Be an Industry’s Elite in 5 Hours” and “15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating Classical Music,”17 which sound like once you pay for it, you are sure to succeed immediately. Also, most “knowledge” products cannot be counted as knowledge at all. They are at most media of information. For another, a host of18 consumers believe such nonsense and buy them just for showing off. It is a pity for them not to perceive that in essence, to digest knowledge-based commodities requires an enduring investment of time and energy, as well as the ability to discern the quality and to learn by oneself.19 Consequently, a paradox is noteworthy:20 Those who have really obtained self-growth after buying online classes are probably the kind of people who need them least. In other words, with or without these classes, they can make it21 anyway, because they are people capable of learning by themselves.
国内洗发水品牌的企业市场环境进一步恶化,日子是越来越难过了。  据不完全统计,宝洁和联合利华两家企业在洗发水行业已经占据接近80%的市场份额,而以舒蕾、霸王、蒂花之秀、拉芳、采乐、好迪、奥妮等品牌为代表的国内几十个品牌只能瓜分剩余的20%的市场,竞争之惨烈可见一斑!  再放眼看看整个日化行业,总体上也是这样一个局面。据行业协会的相关数据表明,2009年行业增长率将保持在13%左右,未来增长趋势短期
这篇短文是《麦肯锡季刊》“抛砖引玉”栏目的文章之一,该栏目邀请一些嘉宾就当前的重要事件发表各种观点。请您在阅读了作者的文章后,登录《麦肯锡季刊》中文网(china.mckinseyquarterly.com)写下您的评论,与大家分享您的想法。  去年9月,当 Ken Lewis 宣布将辞去美洲银行 CEO 一职时,他表示:“到了将接力棒交到公司新一代领导人手里的时候了”。但是,却有这样一个问题:这
蓝色巨人的领舞者  彭明盛    彭明盛把IBM全球PC业务卖给联想之后,着实卸下了肩上最沉重的一个包袱。  自2001年以来,IBM的首席执行官彭明盛为了重振IBM的服务部门,投放到研发领域的资金超过10亿美元,进行了17项收购活动,并决定出售连年亏损的PC部门。立竿见影,2005年第四季度,IBM的净利润同比增长10%以上,超过了华尔街的预期。  整齐的短发、娃娃脸、加上一副圆圆的眼镜,55岁
摘 要:非故事类文本题材丰富,条理清晰,语言精准,对于小学生而言极具阅读价值。本文从情境链、问题链及活动链驱动的角度出发,结合具体教学案例,探讨如何实施小学中年级非故事类文本阅读教学。  关键词:情境链;问题链;活动链;非故事类文本;阅读教学前言  在小学英语阅读教学中,故事类文本以其鲜明迥异的人物形象,生动起伏的故事情节,浅显易懂的语言表达,藏理于文的育人价值等为学生所喜闻乐见。在阅读教学中,关
作者 张鸣语录    1、我们的官员,一般来说,面皮都比较薄,听不得不同意见,尤其是在公开场合发表的意见,无论如何都会脸红心跳,进而怒不可遏,跳到半空,也不是不可能的。  2、地方政府公司化,在改革之初,也许还有点正面价值,但是到了今天,已经成了危及政府形象和公信力的最大祸首。如果一个政府部门把纳税人赋予的公权力当成捞钱的凭据,公开公司化经营公共事务,怎么有利润就怎么办,人们将会怎样看待这个政府?
At the age of ten I read a sci-fi novel about robots. In it, the protagonist1 was a happy, normal wife and mother of three until one day she discovered a journal in the attic of her house. At first, s