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“人过留名,雁过留声。”无论走到哪里,李华道背后都会留下一串闪光的足迹。担任河南省临颍县人武部政委近4年来,部里一年一个新台阶。先后被济南军区表彰为“‘青年民兵之家’建设先进单位”、“落实‘五句话’先进单位”,被省委、省政府、省军区表彰为“基层建设先进单位”、“先进人武部”。去年底,他被省军区党委表彰为“优秀党委书记”。 1999年初,李华道从省军区后勤部调到临颍县人武部时,正赶上部里第一季度党委中心组理论学习。一看政工科报送的计划,只简单列了几篇自学的文章,没有详细的内容。李华道一问才 “People have a name, goose left the sound.” No matter where you go, Li Hua Road behind will leave a string of flash footprint. Linying County, Henan Province, as the Armed Forces Political Commissar nearly 4 years, a year in a new level. It has been honored by Jinan Military Region as “the advanced unit for the construction of” Youth Militia House “and” the advanced unit of implementing “five sentences.” It was commended as “Advanced Unit of Grass-roots Construction” by Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government and Provincial Military Region, Ministry of armed forces. “ At the end of last year, he was commended by the Provincial Military District Party Committee as ”outstanding party secretary." In early 1999, when Li Hua Dao was transferred from the Provincial Military Logistics Department to the People’s Armed Forces Department of Linying County, it was catching up with the theoretical study of the central party group in the first quarter of the Ministry. A look at the project submitted by the Public Works Branch, only a few simple self-listed article, there is no detailed content. Li Hua Road, a question before
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说来你不信,一堆令人生厌的粪土他可以变成“黄金”!此能人就是全国“农村科技致富能手”、河南省扶沟县城关镇民兵吴志春。 吴志春在部队就听说陕西有人利用粪土饲养一种叫
The relative amplitude method(RAM) is more suitable for source inversion of low magnitude earthquakes because it avoids the modeling of short-period waveforms.W