胡敌,名长聚,字萃民,男,1898年11月11日出身在宜都县五眼泉乡拖溪河畔一个富裕家庭里,牺牲时年仅30岁。 (一) 接受新思想,从小立下革命志向。胡敌的二哥胡葆鄂曾留学日本,在留日期间,就参加了孙中山领导的同盟会,胡葆鄂的民主革命思想对胡敌产生了重大影响。对腐败无能的官僚统治阶级的痛恨,使胡敌脑海里很早就萌发了改天换地的思想。1913年,胡敌在宜都县立
Hu enemies, the name of long gather, the word Cimin, male, November 11, 1898 was born in Wuduquan Township, Yidu County, a wealthy family along the river, at the expense of only 30 years old. (I) Accept new ideas and set up revolutionary aspirations from an early age. Hu’s opponent, Hu Bawang, had studied in Japan. During his stay in Japan, he participated in the alliance led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Hu’s democracy reform had a significant impact on the enemy. The hatred of the bureaucratic ruling class, which is corrupt and incompetent, has given Germans a chance to change their minds very early on. In 1913, Hu rival Yidu County