钱坫(1744—1806)字献之,又字篆秋,号十兰。江苏嘉定(今属上海市)人。以篆名天下。尝刻一石章曰:“斯、冰之后,直至小生。”后右手偏废,改用左手写篆,意外形成了古茂生动,笔力苍厚的风格。著有《说文解字校诠》等。清钱坫篆书诗轴纸本纵187.4c m横59.3c m山东省博物馆藏勒功名于钟鼎,颂美德于神祗。故百官以治,万民以察。
Money 坫 (1744-1806) word offer, and the word seal Autumn, number ten blue. Jiading, Jiangsu (now Shanghai) people. To seal the world. Smell a stone chapter reads: “Sri Lanka, ice, until the niche.” After the right hand partial waste, use the left hand to write seal, accidentally formed Gumao vivid, hard style thick style. With the “Explain Word School Interpretation” and so on. Qing Qian 坫 seal poetry axis of paper this vertical 187.4c m horizontal 59.3c m Shandong Province, the museum collection of fame and fortune in the Ding, Chung Mei virtue in the deities. Therefore, officials to rule, all the people to observe.